
Here’s what working with Donjia feels like…

“Donjia keeps it real with beautiful authenticity. She has a poise that makes everyone feel at home and confident to speak to her about any topic. Her great experience resonates with helpful resolve and trust. Donjia is a leading woman in this world.” Sara Huerta ~ CEO Emperio Salsa

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“Donjia is a genuine force! People who don't challenge themselves, their beliefs, their purpose, their limitations are destined to stay the same. If you want more, you need someone real to challenge you... that's Donjia! Encouraging,  empowering,  inspiring, awakened, aligned!

Erin M. ~ Speaker/Career Expert

“Having Donjia Gale in my life has been one of the greatest experiences I’ve had in 2020. Her inspiration both spiritually and professionally has been a positive motivating force within my life. Donjia’s skills assist me in being better in sharing my gifts and talents. I am grateful for her intelligent, enlightened, and genuine kind spirit.

Laura M Gems

“Donjia is a visionary with a heart for the pursuit of purpose and meaning in her work. For almost two decades I have known Donjia, she has an innate ability to see people's gifts, draw the best out of them, and provide a perspective and path that may be familiar to their soul, but that has gone untapped. Her approach, perspective, experience, and compassion should be an inspiration to all..."

D.M. - Former GM Global Supply and Demand - Philanthropist - Journalist

“Very rarely do you find those in this world who can make you laugh, smile, feel motivated or thoughtful, and feel trusted both personally and professionally. Donjia happens to be one of those rare, but wonderful, bright lights lighting up the more dim parts of this universe and helping others brighten up along the way.”

J.Relli (JR LLC)

“Donjia Gale is a warm-spirited, sincere and genuine connector. She sees the big picture and welcomes the chance to help others. Her disarming way is engaging and I believe what she says which is always refreshing."

A.C. - Entrepreneur - Director of Business Development Media/Entertainment

“Donjia is witty, kind and sweet. Whenever I see her she’s always smiling, generous, she’s amazing, whenever I need her she’s always there for me personally and professionally. I’m so grateful that I have her as a friend and mentor. So happy for anyone who gets to meet this beautiful soul, she’s a Sun Goddess.”

Lucy L. (LA Celebrity Hairstylist/Entrepreneur)